Did You Think to Pray? Pictures that Come Alive

Frame cut out of foam board. Three inches around the sides.

Tell the Children: I have a picture frame, but I don't have any pictures! Let's make the pictures come alive. I have asked 5 people to help me show you some "pictures" in this frame while I sing this song. Ready?

The children you have chosen to help you come up to the front. They each have two of these "picture" descriptions. As you sing, they proceed to do that one action in the frame. You will need some props: a pillow, a picture of Christ, and a cardboard shield shape.

  1. Person with a pillow just waking up

  2. Person praying

  3. Person holding up a picture of Christ

  4. Person asking something

  5. Person holding a shield

  6. Person praying

  7. Person that is weary (tired, discouraged)

  8. Person covering their eyes, then uncovering their eyes (night to day)

  9. Person that is sad, tired (dreary)

  10. Person praying

Sing the Song as the children do their action in the frame.


  1. Have the 5 children give their two action slips to another child, and have 5 other children come up and do the actions while you sing the song again.

  2. Sing the song silently (without sound, but mouthing the words) while the children do the actions.

  3. Have all the children do the actions with the child in the frame.


Did You Think to Pray? Eraser Pass for Older Children


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