If I Listen with My Heart: Windwands for Older Children
Windwands are magical!
Every time I bring out the windwands, there is a buzz in the room of children. They are interested. They want to participate. They want to hold the ribbons and stick in their hands.
Here is an idea to help older children move to the beat, figure out a pattern (the logic in their brains), have lots of color, and cement the beat of the song into their body.
Tell the children,
"Here's the pattern." ( I complete the pattern below without singing.)
"Can you figure out how to say what I just did?"
The children give their answers.
I write the pattern they tell me on the board.
Circle to the left 4 x
Circle to the right 4 x
Circle above the head 4 x
Circle on the floor 4 x
"Pretend to hold a windwand and do this pattern with me."
I begin to sing and do the pattern. The children follow my actions (not yet holding a windwand.) I sing the song up to the words
"But as I search...""Freeze!" I call out.
"Here's the new pattern!"
Snake on the floor to the left
Snake on the floor to the right
Over the shoulder left
Over the shoulder right
(Repeat the whole pattern twice)
"Can you tell me in words what I just did?"
I write their answers on the board.
"Pretend to hold a windwand and do this pattern with me."
I begin to sing "But as I search the scriptures, I can hear His words of peace."
We do the pattern together.
"Freeze! Now do the first pattern again."
I sing "And if I listen with my heart, I hear the Savior's voice."
We do the pattern together.
"Are you ready to use the windwands?"
"Here are the rules: If you use the windwand inappropriately, I take it. No questions asked. Be careful not to let any part of your windwand touch someone else."
Other adults help me hand out the windwands. If I don't have enough for all of the children, we take turns. (That way we get to sing the song even more times<grin>.)
We sing the song and do the two patterns. (I give a hint to go to the new pattern just before that part.)