I'll Walk With You - Story Song

Story Song

Tell the story and Sing the italicized words of the song to the children.

Jill looked at her shoe, worn from where her right foot dragged on the ground when she walked. When she had the stroke a year ago, it made her right leg and foot not work very well. She had relearned how to walk, but she couldn't run anymore.

"If you don't walk as most people do, some people walk away from you. But I won't! I won't!"

Peter wished he could say all the thoughts that came rushing into his mind, but his mouth just wouldn't cooperate sometimes. The words got stuck and wouldn't come out. Sometimes his cheeks turned red as he tried and tried to say what he meant.

"If you don't talk as most people do, some people talk and laugh at you. But I won't! I won't!"

"I'll walk with you. I'll talk with you. That's how I'll show my love for you."

Jennifer couldn't stand and cheer with the other girls. Her back was so curved, it didn't allow her to stand. Sometimes it made her sad that she couldn't stand.

"Jesus walked away from none. He gave His love to everyone."

Tad knew he was lucky to even be able to walk, but as he was passing the Sacrament his short leg was so noticeable. He would have to stand on the toes of his short leg just so the two legs would be the same height.

"So I will! I will!"

Jim sometimes cried as he watched his older sister struggle to remember words. She had been a great reader and speaker before she had the radiation treatments for cancer. Now she struggled just to understand people. He wished other people would be kind to her and just try to listen to her.

"Jesus blessed all He could see, then turned and said, 'Come Follow Me.' And I will! I will!"

Tommy tried to keep the tic that pulled his head toward his shoulder quiet so no one would see it. He was grateful his best friend, Sam, didn't seem to care if he had that bothersome movement in his head and neck. Tommy was grateful for Sam.

"I will! I will!"

Kiera put the words to the song up close to her face so that she could see them. She wanted to sing with the others. They didn't know she could hardly see. The school called her legally blind, but she didn't tell many people. She worked really hard to memorize things. It was so nice to have her friend, Abby, treat her like everyone else.

"I'll walk with you. I'll talk with you. That's how I'll show my love for you."

One of the benefits of this activity is the interactive, real life examples that are presented through story and linked to the song. The children have a strong feeling and understanding about the song they wouldn't otherwise have.


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