Seven Hops and Round the World Sways: Younger - I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ

When I'm at the playground watching children, it is SO noticeable that they twirl, jump, and hop much more than any adult!  

How can I use that particular quality of a young child to help them learn the song "The Church of Jesus Christ?"

Seven Hops!

When I sing this song, I feel a strong pulse on the words

  • "-long,"

  • "church,"

  • “Je-,"

  • "Christ,"

  • "lat-,"

  • "-ter," and

  • "Saints."

Have the children follow you and hop (two- footed launch even though that is really defined as a jump) on each of those words.

You will need a change in the pace of the movement after this (because of the hopping/jumping), so why not do full round the world sways with your hands?

Start with both hands hanging in front of you. Lift them up and around in a full circle (around the world) up over your head and back down the right side.  Start the circle to the left on the word "know" and end on the word "am."

Go the other way (to the right) starting on the word "know" and end on the word "plan."

I would do two more round the world sways for the phrase "I'll follow Him in faith," then go back to the hop/jump.

Land the jump on the words

  • "-lieve,"

  • "Sav-,"

  • "Je-,"

  • "Christ,"

  • "ho-,"

  • "-nor,"

  • "name."

(Again, seven.)

Now head back to the round the world movement four more times to the end of the song.

HERE is a video of the movement.

This movement is great for the children's brains! The round the world crosses the midline and engages both sides of the brain.  The big motor movement to a specific beat helps the brain with impulse control and gives blood to the brain to nourish it as it is practicing the impulse control.

But the biggest benefit is... it is fun!  The children have an experience with the song that engages their pleasure center in the brain, making it more memorable than without the fun!  


I now have categories for different learning styles, and here's why it is important


Imagination and Directional Marching with Special guests - Younger: I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ