The colors of the ribbons bring excitement to the room as they flutter through the air.  

The children are concentrating hard to get their ribbons to follow the pattern of the teacher.  

You can palpably feel the enthusiastic and electrical feel of energy in the room as the children move their windwands to the pattern as the teacher sings.

Watch example video HERE

What are some windward patterns you can use to the beat of a song?

Circle left, circle right

Circle up, circle down

Figure eight up

Figure eight down

Snake on the floor

Snake up and snake down

Over the shoulder right, over the shoulder left

Paint the sky, paint the floor

How do you make a windwand?

Get three lengths of ribbon (I used 3 ft.).  Secure them to a dowel or embroidery hoop (or something for the children to hold on to).

Update - I got lots of questions about how to make wind wands, so I wrote this post for you! :) .

There are also commercially made windwands: Amazon or Yellowtails  

Using windwands with younger children:  

  • Do simple movements to the beat for at least 8 beats.

Using windwands with older children:

  • Do a movement two times on one side, then switch to the other side.  

Follow with another type of movement.  

For example:  Circle left 2x, circle right 2x, snake on the floor back and forth for 4 beats.

I will try to post some videos of using windwands with specific songs.  Let me know what songs you would like to see!


May - 4 weeks of Primary Music Activity Ideas: Younger


Concrete Word Stand In: Junior